May 9, 2014

Write or Wrong

Sometimes I think about writing and then all of these thoughts starts swirling through my head about topics that are heavy on my mind and heart.  I pick at one, look it over, and then try to grab another as it swims by.  Then I begin to think about the connections between the two thoughts and just as I'm about to have them nicely tied together, another thought begins to circle me.  I pick that one up too.  And another.  Oh, that reminds me... then another.  Before I know it I have all these thoughts that I'm trying desperately to hold onto and quickly try to place priority on the most important, relevant, and captivating thought.  I then realize that I'm holding on to far too many topics - connecting them all would be like trying to construct a symmetrical web out of a mess of tangled threads.  I decide that right now I just don't have time to sort through them all, isolate one, and present it in a way that is comprehensible.  With this realization I drop all the topics on my mind, realize there is now something else I need to be doing, and walk away resolving to come back and try again another day.

This is why my posts have month gaps between them.  This is why I have so much to say this morning but can not arrive at a starting point for I can't foresee a tidy ending. Any suggestions from my fellow blogger / writers out there?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/5/14 10:42

    That happens to me too. So I just pick the topic that's most relevant to where I'm at right now. They usually jump out at me if they are the right topic to talk about. If that makes any sense.
