Sitting at home sick eating hot soup and watching a movie. Work phone begins to ring.
"Hello, this is Jason."
"I know you're out driving around so come get me from school."
"Jake, what do you need me to get you from school for?"
"I'm out. The school day is over."
"Okay... why are you callling me to pick you up."
"Because we're meeting today and I want you to get me from school so I don't have to walk home."
"Well Jake, I'm home sick and we will not be meeing today."
"Oh, uh, well, it's whatever." -CLICK
Talking with an older man later this evening, discussing how to fix an ant infestation...
He begins -
"Sugar doesn't actually work to attract ants, they just go around it."
"Well if you use fake sugar, like Sweet n' Low, it will take care of them. They eat it and it poisons them."
"I don't think so. They actually don't like sugar."
"Oh, well maybe it depends on the type of ants. I worked maintenance at a camp and that is what we used to take care of them. We put Sweet n' Low packets all over and it took care of them within a day's time. It was pretty cool!"
"That's because they just went around it."
I walk away, smiling as I recall vaccuming up piles of dead ants following the Sweet n' Low treatment.
Why do people get into power struggles? A lack of personal value. If I do not value myself already, I must prove my value and worth by attempting to dominate others and have power over them. I'm sure at times when I feel low, insecure and hurt I have been guilty of initiating a power struggle. To be honest though, most days I see very little motivation in attempting to overpower another for the sake of an ego boost. It makes me feel like a 5 year old. Yet another reason I have to be greatful that I have a God who places great value upon me that no one can take away.
The best way I have learned to deal with power struggles with others who are intitiating them? Don't participate, walk away, end the conversation, move on. A struggle only exists when two people are pulling against eachother.
Just a thought I had to put out there.